UNH TWC Alumni in DC

Washington Program Alumni event

Since the University of New Hampshire affiliated with The Washington Center in 1976, UNH has sent over 1,000 students to DC for internship opportunities.  Students from all majors have found that TWC is the perfect opportunity to test out a potential career and launch their future.

The University of New Hampshire Alumni Association has a very active Alumni Chapter in Washington DC. They host events for UNH Alumni in DC, to connect the current interns with alumni, to network, to cheer on the WildCats, and to just have a good time. Current UNH students have met past TWC interns as well as other alumni, and have made valuable personal and professional contacts.

We make it easy for current and former participants to stay connected to their UNH and TWC networks, wherever they are:

Below are just a few of our amazing UNH TWC alumni, and what they are doing now.

Name UNH Major & Year TWC Internship Employer

Jocelyn Bissonnette

Economics '09

National Association of Federally Impacted Schools

Deputy Director, Census Equity Initiative

Andrew DiFraia Homeland Security '21 U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Gabrielle Garneau Political Science & International Affairs '23

Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies

Community Partners
Lindsey Hall Communication '19 American Enterprise Institute Director, Event Registration at Questex

Henry Herndon

Political Science '15 The Abraham Group

Director of Member Services, Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire

Taylor Nydam Homeland Security & Russian, '23 Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Fulbright Student Researcher in Astana, Kazakhstan

Thomas Parisi

Political Science & Cinema Studies '10 Book Hill Associates Attorney Advisor, Office of the Cheif Counsel NTIA
Abby Pokraka Political Science '17 LobbyIt National Nuclear Security Administration 

Ally Priest

Political Science '13 Office of Senator Jeanne Shaheen Office of Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D, NH) 

Taylor Reidy

Political Science '14 Office of Senator Kelly Ayotte

Office of Senator Lindsey Graham (R, SC)

Bridget Reese Nutrition & Dietetics '17 Meals on Wheels America Wisconsin State Department of Public Instruction
Lachey Ross Sociology & Justice Studies '14 U. S. Marshal Service United States Army Criminal Investigation Command
Hannah Waller Political Science & International Affairs '15 Amnesty International 

Humanitarian Assistance Officer, USAID


Brittany Weaver Matthews Political Science & International Affairs '10 U. S. Department of State Director of Policy and Advocacy at CHEPP